Project description
General objective:
Raise of European citizens’ awareness and efficiency of specialists’ activities in the field of infringement of personal freedom and human rights.
Specific objectives:
- Prevention of domestic violence local system development through increase of specialists’ skills and building of partnerships (municipal services, NGOs, police/municipal guards, health care, education system etc).
- Exchange of the best practices and development of innovative systematic tools for work with perpetrators and potential victims of domestic violence (prevention activities).
- Exchange of the best practices and development of innovative systematic tools for work with perpetrators of domestic violence (intervention activities).
- Activation and raising awareness of local communities – recognition and reaction to acts of domestic violence happening in the nearest environment.
- 5. Development of the European network of cooperation of domestic violence specialists.
Planned activities:
study visits in twin towns, public events, seminars/workshops, final conference, exchange through digital workspace, developing tools of communication (video spot, website, publication).
During the phase of program preparation partners will designate their participants, representatives (2-3 people) who will be responsible for implementation of the local activities and will participate in the international meetings (seminars, workshops). At least 1 person should be able to act as a trainer during planned cross-trainings for specialist working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. The project kick-off meeting and the final conference will be held in Sosnowiec – the coordinator of the project.
Partners searched
Preferred: Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, France, Belgium, Austria, The Netherlands. Municipalities only !