Project description
General objective:
The objective being to encourage and to facilitate the participation of citizens in local, regional and European Union purposes and policies, promoting societal engagement, intercultural dialogue and volunteering.
Specifics objectives
- Using local and transnational networks for discussion and analysis of the priorities of the European Union.
- Establish forums for discussion of policies and objectives of the EU, facilitating the participation of citizens and collecting their views.
- Promoting social engagement, volunteering and integration stimulating debate and social networking.
- Empowering the local dimension for its importance in the design and implementation of policies of the European Union.
- Providing equal access, equal opportunity and diversity in the socio-cultural dialogue, using the bottom-up approach.
- Promoting communication and dissemination activities and results at the local, regional, national and European level.
Transnational objectives
- Sensitizing and awareness of the functioning of the European institutions, policies and values of the European Union.
- Promoting equal opportunities, equal access and diversity.
- Promoting democratic and civic participation of citizens Promoting new technologies allowing the knowledge and participation of citizens in matters of general interest.
- Improving life quality of European citizens and Welfare State.
- Creation of a website with radio and television multimedia contents produced by the program, as well as a discussion forum with opinions collected.
- Development of a European network of informers volunteers with members of corporations, young associations, universities and secondary schools for the dissemination of European policies and values (50 approx.)
- Organization of Meetings, Round Tables and Events focused the debate on the future and cohesion of Europe.
- Other actions of development of radio and television programs about debate on the European Union policies.
- Participation in events on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Spain joined the European Union and Europe Day, among others.
Organisation presentation
Local Development and Employment Agency (ADLE), created by the Council of Cartagena City, is an autonomous non-profit body whose main aim is to promote job creation, by promoting the incorporation of unemployed workers into the labour market, and by boosting the creation and consolidation of entrepreneur initiatives. In general, the Agency improves the economic and local development in Cartagena.
In relation to European Projects and Community Initiatives, the ADLE has developed different projects, such as: Urban, Horizon, Youth Start, Leonardo Da Vinci, DELI, Comenius Regio, Youth Guarantee and in different employment projects from the European Social Fund (ESF).