Project description
Based on preliminary plans the branch organization inTimisoara of the Maltese Relief Service in Romania assume to organize two professional events, that aims to bring the EU policy closer to the citizens, to reveal the opportunities of the democratic citizenship participation and the involvement in decision-making mechanisms, and in relation with the social area, how can be most widely propagating the idea of volunteering and social solidarity.
The events will be organizing in Timisoara. The participants of the event will be the active members of NGOs. At the professional meetings will be presenting the good international practices and the workshops will offer an opportunity to professional dialogue.
The events are planned for three days (Friday-Sunday).
On Friday the participants will visit the institutions, where they will study the local good practices. The guests will learn about local programs, will meet the local decision-makers and civil society organizations involved in the social area.
On Saturday will take place a professional conference with several guest speakers from more countries.
On Sunday between 10 and 16 will take place more professional workshops with 10-15 participants.
During the events in several locations it will setting up EU stands / tents, where we will show the project, promote the event and the participating organizations, and present the policies of the European Union.
As a result, the participants will develop a common action plan which will be the basis for a cooperation of partner organizations in the future.
Under the project, we will create a website that facilitates communication and includes press releases, invitations and professional reports.
One of the priorities is to set up a list of international good practices, which collects easily adaptable practices to facilitate the work of the organizations in the social field. This list will be also published. Main target groups: elderly people, people with disabilities.
The meetings will be complemented by cultural activities and excursions.