Project description
The Municipality of Füzesgyarmat (Hungary) wants to create a thematic network between small towns (5.000-20.000 population) who have (or planning to do) farming and productive activities.
The Project’s goal is to share experiences between partners to find the most sustainable methods of managing our cities, use of energy sources and how to build community farms and other projects. Our Program is connected to the Szent István University, wich already has a current recycled energetic project with Füzesgyarmat and also wants to raise the cooperation to European level. The University brings the newest, experimental-state technologies to us and our partners to strengthen our cooperation and raise our experts knowledge on the field of recycled energy and sustainable economy.
Our first project takes 24 month, where we will meet several times in Füzesgyarmat, and we’ll make some study visit course to see the best practices in Europe.